Our Philosophy


We listen to all your numeric projects and ideas Based on our experiences and knowledge on the CDN and mobile technology, we provide advices on your high tech projects.


We worked on ergonomics to bring you smart and simple interfaces, that allows you to manage your account.


Manage simply your clients, select for each one some specific services and follow their usage.

Live Streaming

Create, update, manage your streaming accounts through our smart interfaces.


Accelerate your contents with our Clever caching solution.


1 click, 2 click and your podcast is created, simple and quicker.


All our news.


All the support team will be happy to answer on your technical and sales questions.

Our Services

Caching Illustration

CanalWeb, Advices and Innovation

We listen to all your numeric projects and ideas Based on our experience and knowledge, we analyse your needs and could help you to define properly your project and help you to develop it.

The Canalweb services

Canal Web is a global online service which will allow you simply to create, manage and streams all the media contents through all the connected objects.
We imagined some simple and smart interfaces that will allow you to manage all by yourself through some clicks.

Services Illustration

Reseller Service Illustration

CanalWeb Reseller Service

Through our reseller access, you could manage your clients, set their access and define which service they can use.
Some global views, will allow you to manage and follow the usage of their accounts.

CanalWeb Streaming Service

Our streaming services allow you to stream your live and VoD everywhere in the world, under the last protocols and on the newest devices.
You will set your live and VoD with our smart interface.
The streaming service uses our clever delivery solution.

Streaming Service Illustration

Caching Service Illustration

CanalWeb Caching Service

Accelerate your contents with our clever delivery Network solution.
Your contents will be reachable everywhere over the world and with a quick speed all the time.
Your installation won’t be anymore under stress during peak.
Your clients will get your contents quickly and everywhere in the world.

Clever Delivery Network (CDN)

Our clever delivery solutions allow you to have the best ratio price / network coverage And the capacity / performance through our management and Content Delivery Network aggregation We use our network and partners network to deliver the content.
Our CDN manager allows you to manage and select dynamically which CDNs will provide the content following some statics and dynamic rules ( network traffic, price …)

CDN Service Illustration

Podcast Service Illustration

CanalWeb Podcast Service

Ours Podcasts forms will allow you to create, update and manage simply all your podcasts. All these tasks will be done on 1 click by yourself through simple interfaces.
Management of the podcast is intuitive, you don’t need to have a specific knowledge.
Once created, you could reference your podcast on all podcast platforms.


2018 January

New interface for support

Media integration in the Mediapp manager (application manager on the fly)

About Us

The company

Canal Web is a french company with all the datacenters and team in Europe.
Canal Web is a Consulting and an Engineering company that develops innovate solution in high technology.


  • CanalWeb SAS
  • 114 B, rue Michel Ange
    75016 Paris
  • Siret 81251686200016
  • TVA N° FR59812516862
  • contact us


HD Video Net

Know-How & References

mediapp project manager

mediapp project form

Mediapp Plateform

Development of a mobile application platform creation and management solution

  • Automated App Instance Editing
  • Editing cycle management
  • Customer report management
  • Customization
  • Support & ticketing solution
  • Development of ticket management tool

    • https://manager.mediapp.xyz

Taxido Service

Development of a video and advertising content management solution for taxis

  • User management
  • Society management
  • Devices management
  • Content management
  • Channels management
  • Management of intranet and internet advertising
  • Report by device and by company

taxido.tv (https://admin.taxido.tv)

taxido campaign manager

taxido channel manager
shared your stream on social platforms


For more informations on our services, contact us :